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  • recrutement secteur vins et spiritueux

    Agri-food + Wines + Spirits

    The agri-food industry is now one of the leading industrial sectors in France.

    Amidst profound societal and environmental shifts, it is facing simultaneous challenges in aligning production with the world’s demographics.

    Some key challenges in the Agri-food + Wines + Spirits sector include:

    • Increased production of renewable energy,
    • Transition to the circular economy and its maintenance in an eco-friendly way,
    • Extended producer responsibility (EPR),
    • Promotion of eco-design and incorporation of recycled materials,
    • Combating biodiversity loss and climate change,
    • Implementation of agroecological approach and sustainable consumption,
    • Ensuring transparency of information for consumers,
    • Optimisation of production and distribution chains,
    • Employment and training,
    • Healthiness and nutritional quality of the products,
    • Public health issues.

    source : https://www.agro-media.fr/analyse/les-grands-defis-a-poursuivre-de-lindustrie-agroalimentaire-31335.html

    The specific requirements to conduct a talent search in the sector
    Agri-food + Wines + Spirits

    The Agri-food sector is currently facing a unprecedented challenge in recruiting professionals.

    However, the industry has the potential to showcase its appeal by preserving traditional expertise while also embracing innovation for increased eco-friendliness.

    For example, the surging popularity of organic farming presents opportunities for skill development and expansion into new markets through exports.

    Furthermore, technological advancements such as automation, robotics, 3D printing, drones, IoT, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and collaborative robots offer promising prospects for growth and success.

    Why trust Mind Partners?

    With deep expertise in the specific challenges of the sector, Mind Partners has made recruiting industrial specialists a cornerstone of our services.

    We are committed to providing a tailored approach, and in addition to our extensive sector knowledge, we make it a point to visit our clients’ sites to truly understand their specific needs.

    The diverse landscape of Agri-food + Spirits companies presents a myriad of challenges for industry professionals. This variety of unusual needs demands specialised support, which is where our team excels.

    We understand the language of these passionate, field-oriented individuals and are poised to work alongside them in shaping the future.

    In this era of strategic and organisational transformations, we are recognised for our ability to build the future, engage in innovative recruitment and define new, emerging professions.

    In a nutshell!

    We assist our clients in hiring for various senior-level positions within their areas of expertise.

    Some positions:

    • International R&D and Local Marketing Manager

    • Process Engineering R&D Engineer

    • Wine Quality and Communication Engineer

    • Brand Identity Manager

    • Microbiology & Biochemistry expert

    • IT & Marketing Content Manager

    • Deputy Director of Marketing

    • Quality and Environment Director

    • Sales, Marketing and Logistics Director

    • Production Director

    • Administrative and Financial Director

    • UK Sales Manager

    • Digital/E-Commerce Director

    • Digital Project Managers

    • Managing Director

    Contact us

    Our areas of expertise in the sector
    Agri-food + Wines + Spirits

    • Environment,
    • Research & Development,
    • Testing laboratories,
    • Tools,
    • Industrialisation,
    • Projects,
    • Logistics,
    • Methods,
    • Maintenance,
    • Production,
    • Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE),
    • Continuous improvement services (Lean manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma),
    • Chief Operating Officer.

    Our specialist consultants are here for you

    Pierre-Yves Ratel

    Consultant - B Leader

    Marie Roy


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    + Wines
    + Spirits

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